Bila dibukakan pintu hidayah ...

by - Ahad, Julai 03, 2011


Alhamdulillah... seorang rakan blogger telah tersedar dari lamunannya ... Syukur pada Allah ...  Jom baca ...

" Every girl wants to be a beauty.  Every girls loves beauty things. Same goes to me. I always want to look good in everything that I do, everything that I wear and everywhere that I go. I want people to see me with words of "Wow, she's gorgeous!" or "Wow, she's beautiful!". Since that, I try to grab every single opportunity that comes into my life. As I love photography, I take a first step to be a talent. I love being the subjects for each photo that had been taken. Then I start to adore this field so much.

I move from title of the talent to become the one who walk on the stage for several awesome fashion shows where people stare at me with an amazing looks and keep asking me 'Can I get your numbers please?". Oh I love to be a part of the stories behind the show and the photo shoot as well. It is such a great memories which I will never forget until my last breathe. "

Nak baca lagi ??? Nak ? Katakan , plisssss.. hehe.. ok ok ..sori. guwau jer... Klik SINI .. Semoga Allah merahmati kawan kita tu ... Kita bila lagi ?? Tak reti reti lagi keeee nak taubat ???

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  1. menarik jugak tuk bacaan pepagi ni. -.-

  2. Alhamdulillah..harap perubahan untuk selamanya...

  3. tersentuh bila baca entri dia.. semoga Allah mmudahkan urusan dia..amin..

  4. dah baca entry dia semalam.. :) sedih tapi Alhamdulillah .moga dia depermudahkan. bukan dia saja..saya dan yang lain2 juga. :)

  5. pintu taubat sentiasa je terbuka.. kita yg kena kejar hidayah tu.. ^_^
