Pemberitahuan : Pertandingan Esei

by - Rabu, Mei 26, 2010

The Perdana Leadership Foundation’s “Nurturing the Minds of Future Leaders” Essay Contest 2010 was officially launched on the 21st of May 2010 at the MPH Megastore in 1Utama. Attended by Press and Youth NGOs, the launch was officiated by the Executive Director of the Perdana Leadership Foundation, Tan Sri Nik Mohamed Nik Yaacob; the CEO of MPH Group, Dato’ Ng Tieh Chuan; and the Chief Judge of the Competition, Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Khoo Kay Kim.

This time carrying the theme “Malaysia in a Globalised World”, the third Perdana Leadership Foundation Essay Competition, held biennially since 2006, invites young Malaysians between the age of 18 and 25 to contribute their thoughts to the questions posed. This year, the Foundation is proud to be partnering with MPH Bookstores for the competition, with support from the Ministry of Higher Education. DRB-Hicom is the main sponsor for this contest and Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad is the official media partner.

“We want to hear the voices of young Malaysians in response to major issues that the country is facing in its bid to remain relevant internationally. We emphasize research through this competition to encourage Malaysian youth to delve deeper into the subjects before presenting their opinions. We hope that via this competition, we will get to know the youth of Malaysia better, promote critical thinking, and reward good writing,” said Tan Sri Nik Mohamed Nik Yaacob, Executive Director of the Perdana Leadership Foundation, at the launch.

Also at the launch was Dato’ Ng Tieh Chuan, Chief Executive Officer of MPH Group, who said, “Whilst writing competitions are nothing new, we echo Tan Sri’s thoughts – this is a relevant topic that will challenge our youth on a subject that the country is facing. We hope the competition will unearth a new pool of local talents and to help spread the word, we are publicizing this competition through our social media network as well as through our outlets.”

Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Khoo Kay Kim, who is judging for the third time for the competition, expressed his hope of receiving more entries from the young adults segment. When asked on the quality of essays received in previous years, the Professor said that while many of the entries fell short in that they reflected the current trend of students regurgitating facts, there were some which were “outstanding”. What he most wants to see in this year’s essays are originality of thought, and a confident expression of the entrant’s ideas.

This year’s competition will run until 30th September 2010, and is open to all Malaysians aged 18 to 25, regardless of student status. Prizes up for grabs include a RM7,000 cash prize, E-Readers, Netbooks, and MPH book vouchers.

Participants are invited to write in English or Bahasa Malaysia (though English is strongly encouraged) on any of the topics below, in 2,000 words or less:
1. Malaysia’s global competitiveness ranking dropped three places to 24 for the period 2009-2010. What do you understand to be global competitiveness and what do you think should be done to raise Malaysia’s global rank?

2. In the latest Budget, the Prime Minister stated the goal for Malaysia to become a high-income economy. What do you think are essential ingredients for Malaysia to achieve high-income status?

3. Vision 2020’s deadline is less than a decade away. Compare Malaysia’s current position with the aspirations of Vision 2020 and outline the most important gaps that need to be addressed for the nation to achieve the goals of Vision 2020.
More information can be accessed through the Essay Competition's official website, or MPH's online portal,

For competition materials, do e-mail Maizatul at or call 03-8885 8965.

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  1. hm.... memang tak layak la... umur dah lebeyh....

  2. menarik ni...sementara umur masih ditahapa yg dibenarkan.

    kepada sedara sedari ygumur dh lebih had..mungkin boleh jadi teman diskusi utk kembangkan lagi idea belia2 yg nak join contest ni..sekurang-kurangnya experience yg ada tu dapat la dikongsi dgn generasi muda kan?

    looking forward to join..hehe

  3. ben... aku kurg paham... bhasa inggeris la

  4. rugi³
    dah lebih umur.huhuu..

  5. baru pk nak rangka esei tp bila tgk had umur terus tak jadi...

  6. saya berminat tp in english..itu yg susah sikit..heheheh..

  7. taw x pe inggeris kot..heheheh..

  8. alahai dlm english..payahlah..

  9. bukan tak nak cuba...tapi mmg tak reti huhuhu ayat kat blog aku pun dah mcm kapal karam ni kan plk nak wat essei :P heheheh

    ben,yang bukan student pon leh join kan?

  11. umur terlebih sudah :(
    takde rejeki..

  12. aLamak..
    xckup umO Lg..=(

  13. Alahai... dah tuo pakcik... kalau tidak macam-macam nak tulis...

  14. perghhh...selame nis jadik silent reader.... abam bem... keep blogging... besh taw bace...
