Pengalaman baru di tahun 2020 !
Aku mula berblog , hujung 2009. Sekarang dah 2020. Dah masuk tahun ke 10 aku dalam dunia blogging dan media sosial. Macam macam dah aku alami. Menyeronokkan dan hampa ! Resam yang berulang kali namun aku cekal demi mencari rezeki buat keluarga aku. Asalkan berduit. Dapat bayar hutang dan besarkan anak anak dengan duit berkat lagi halal. InshaAllah.
Setiap apa yang aku buat , aku ada plan jangka panjang. Sampai bila nak di takuk tu je kan ? Kena ada sesuatu yang lebih menarik dan mencabar. Aku tahu aku akan bosan bila sampai masanya tu nanti. Dan yer, aku dah mula bosan. Aku nak sesuatu yang baru dan pada masa yang sama , ada pendapatan. Tak de la sekadar untuk happy happy dan membuang masa gitu. Aku dah ada keluarga dan berumur kot ? Takda nak pikir untuk gitu dah !
Dan Alhamdulillah.. Allah bukakan jalan untuk aku. Segalanya bermula ketika aku ikut trip Pesona Seremban. Di sana aku berjumpa dengan ramai kenalan dan juga 'network' yang menarik. Yer , ini antara sebab aku ikut trip trip pelancongan begini. Peluang untuk maju ke hadapan , terbentang luas. Nak atau tak nak je aku manfaatkan !
Januari 2020.. aku mulakan dengan langkah kanan ! Aku teruskan impian aku yakni membantu negara dalam memperkenalkan Malaysia di mata dunia dalam cara yang berbeza ! Inilah yang aku nantikan sejak aku mengenali dunia pelancongan. Buat pengetahuan korang , aku dulu bekerja di Kementerian Pelancongan. Sejak tu aku ada impian untuk mempopularkan produk produk pelancongan negara ini ke pelancong luar.
Menariknya , apa yang aku lakukan ini bukan sekadar perkenalkan produk pelancongan tetapi juga melibatkan pendidikan dan juga perubatan ! Fuh.. satu peluang yang aku tak jangka sama sekali ! Dulu aku cuma dengar je semua ni ketika di kementerian. Tapi tak paham sepatah haram pun ! Hahahaha.. Sekarang , yer ! Aku dah faham sangat sangat. Apa pentingnya health tourism dan juga education tourism ni untuk negara kita ! Huhuh...
Ikut trip bersama Mr. Nash atau Nasaruddin Mohiden yang juga pemilik NQ Services di mana sudah mengendalikan program skills and training ni selama 8 tahun , adalah sesuatu yang aku tak jangka sama sekali. Ditambah lagi pula aku kena turut sama jadi tour guide ( secara tak langsung aku turut kena bagitau sedikit sejarah bila ada di lokasi atau bagitau tempat tempat menarik ).
Pada program pertama ni , aku berpeluang bersama sama pelajar pelajar dari Jombang , Jawa Timur dari jurusan Nursing dan Midwifery. Barulah aku kenal erti pertukaran budaya yang selama ni aku cuma baca dan tonton di tv jer. Rupa rupanya sangat menarik dan inilah dikatakan serumpun ! Banyak yang aku belajar perkara baru pada trip ni !
Mereka ni , akan alami sendiri apa yang mereka belajar selama ini di kolej mereka untuk persediaan selepas abis belajar. Antara tempat mereka pergi ialah Mahsa Universiti , KPJ Ampang Puteri , Klinik Desa , Klinik Kesihatan . Di sana mereka akan bertemu dengan tenaga pengajar yang akan berpeluang untuk bertanya apa jua soalan dan juga menerokai teknologi teknologi perubatan yang terkini. Best kan ? Dan melawat tempat tempat menarik mestilah ada kan ! Antaranya , KLCC , Central Market , Bukit Bintang ,Seremban dan banyak lagi !
Terima kasih pada Mr. Nash dan juga NQ Services atas peluang begini. Satu usaha yang cukup aku kagumi terutama bila tengok dia layan dan berikan yang terbaik pada mereka. Banyak aku kena belajar ni dan menyeronokkan. Penat ? Jangan cakap laa.. sampai demam demam aku ni ! Hahaha..
Inilah antara pengalaman pengalaman baru yang aku tagihkan selama bergelar blogger ! Aku pernah belajar mengenainya tapi tak pernah merasainya...Dan akhirnya...
2020. More or less 10 years I’ve dwelled in the realm of social media and blogging since I started the end of 2009. Much have I experienced. The good, the bad and the ugly. Cest la vie. Alhamdulillah, life’s lessons taught me to keep pushing, everytime. I did it for the sake of my family. As long as it is halal. As long as it pays the bill. As long as it feeds the family. In shaa Allah.
In everything I do, I always have a long term plan. I’m not the kind to settle for mediocrity. I crave challenges. I yearn for new things. New experiences. Just so long as it puts food on the table. I’m all in.
Alhamdulillah, Allah answered my prayers. I got what wanted. It started when I joined the ‘Pesona Seremban’ trip. I got to make new contacts, at both personal and professional level. It’s why I like to go on tourism trips. A good opportunity came rolling in front of my eyes and grabbed it with both hands.
January 2020 started off really well. I got to put Malaysia on the map. Only I got to do that in a different way. It’s what I always dreamt of doing since I stepped into the tourism industry. Few people know this but I, once, worked at MOTAC. That was where I had the thought of marketing local tourism products to the world at large. Now I have the opportunity.
What’s interesting for me was, this is not about the conventional tourism industry. I learned that there are a lot more types of tourism. I finally understood health tourism and study tourism. I heard it all while working at MOTAC but it never made sense to me. Now I understand the importance of these two types to our country. Call me slow.
I went on a trip and it was a whole new experience. I was even a stand in tour guide when I was asked to explain to others on the trip about the history of some places we went to visit. On this trip there were nursing students and faculty members from Jombang, Jawa Timur exploring and learning about health and study tourism in Malaysia.
They got to see the way things work in real life vs what they learned in college. We were all taken around to Mahsa University, KPJ Ampang Puteri, Klinik Kesihatan and Klinik Desa as part of the study tour. They met and interacted with real professionals of the health industry. We also visited other tourist hot spots like KLCC, Central Market, Batu Caves and a whole lot more. It was a good trip.
A special thanks to Mr Nash @ Nasaruddin Mohiden of NQ Services for organizing the trip. It was a real eye opener. I was always amazed by how Mr Nash so tirelessly gives his absolute best everytime. And he’s been doing this for the past 8 years. That explains how good he is. He loves what he does.
I learnt a lot. Especially the fact that there’s so much I don’t know and also how tiring it is to organize tours and being a tour guide. I felt like passing out once or twice.
This has been the kind of experience I crave for as a blogger. Heard about it, never understood it. But now , I’m experiencing it first hand. Superb.. It’s going to be a fun year of learning.
Inilah antara pengalaman pengalaman baru yang aku tagihkan selama bergelar blogger ! Aku pernah belajar mengenainya tapi tak pernah merasainya...Dan akhirnya...
2020. More or less 10 years I’ve dwelled in the realm of social media and blogging since I started the end of 2009. Much have I experienced. The good, the bad and the ugly. Cest la vie. Alhamdulillah, life’s lessons taught me to keep pushing, everytime. I did it for the sake of my family. As long as it is halal. As long as it pays the bill. As long as it feeds the family. In shaa Allah.
In everything I do, I always have a long term plan. I’m not the kind to settle for mediocrity. I crave challenges. I yearn for new things. New experiences. Just so long as it puts food on the table. I’m all in.
Alhamdulillah, Allah answered my prayers. I got what wanted. It started when I joined the ‘Pesona Seremban’ trip. I got to make new contacts, at both personal and professional level. It’s why I like to go on tourism trips. A good opportunity came rolling in front of my eyes and grabbed it with both hands.
January 2020 started off really well. I got to put Malaysia on the map. Only I got to do that in a different way. It’s what I always dreamt of doing since I stepped into the tourism industry. Few people know this but I, once, worked at MOTAC. That was where I had the thought of marketing local tourism products to the world at large. Now I have the opportunity.
What’s interesting for me was, this is not about the conventional tourism industry. I learned that there are a lot more types of tourism. I finally understood health tourism and study tourism. I heard it all while working at MOTAC but it never made sense to me. Now I understand the importance of these two types to our country. Call me slow.
I went on a trip and it was a whole new experience. I was even a stand in tour guide when I was asked to explain to others on the trip about the history of some places we went to visit. On this trip there were nursing students and faculty members from Jombang, Jawa Timur exploring and learning about health and study tourism in Malaysia.
They got to see the way things work in real life vs what they learned in college. We were all taken around to Mahsa University, KPJ Ampang Puteri, Klinik Kesihatan and Klinik Desa as part of the study tour. They met and interacted with real professionals of the health industry. We also visited other tourist hot spots like KLCC, Central Market, Batu Caves and a whole lot more. It was a good trip.
A special thanks to Mr Nash @ Nasaruddin Mohiden of NQ Services for organizing the trip. It was a real eye opener. I was always amazed by how Mr Nash so tirelessly gives his absolute best everytime. And he’s been doing this for the past 8 years. That explains how good he is. He loves what he does.
I learnt a lot. Especially the fact that there’s so much I don’t know and also how tiring it is to organize tours and being a tour guide. I felt like passing out once or twice.
This has been the kind of experience I crave for as a blogger. Heard about it, never understood it. But now , I’m experiencing it first hand. Superb.. It’s going to be a fun year of learning.
Bestnya dapat sama-sama perkenalkan Malaysia pada orang luar. Tengok muka diaorang pun happy sangat. Baguslah ada program mcm ni.
BalasPadamSelamat melangkah merintis laluan baru.Moga terus berkongsi manfaat untuk semua.
BalasPadamTeringat nak buat trip mcm ni.. Bawak student2 luar negara ke Malaysia untuk mempelajari budaya negara kita dan juga untuk program knowledge exchange..
BalasPadamalhamdulillah. tahniah. keep fighting! ^_^
BalasPadamSEMOGA ABEN lebih maju dan berjaya 2020
BalasPadamLamanya dah berblog sejak 2009 tu. Sy baru jer nak ada blog 2020 ni..
BalasPadamsemoga terus sukses di tahun 2020