Maaf ! Huduh benar rupamu itu !

by - Rabu, September 14, 2011




" Waahh.. tak sangka rupamu begitu huduh ! "

" Oh.. kamu sedang mengata aku atau Pencipta wajahku ini ? "

" Maafkan aku .. tapi bagaimana kamu boleh dapat isteri yang cantik ? "

" Mungkin rupa ku ini buruk tapi tak seburuk hati mu itu .. "

" Aku balik dululah.. Insaf... "

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  1. moralnya ; jgn mudah mempersenda dan memperolok pencipta sedarlah kerdilnya dirimu..

  2. Ada satu joke tentang bagaimana jejaka hodoh boleh mendapat isteri yang cantik.

    Kisahnya gini:

    Three guys die together and go to heaven.... St. Peter says, "We only have one rule... don't step on the ducks as they are God's favorite creation."

    They enter heaven and see ducks everywhere, and it's almost impossible to not step on a duck. The first guy accidentally steps on one, and soon here comes St. Peter with the biggest, ugliest woman he'd ever seen...

    St. Peter chains them together and says, "Your punishment is to be chained to this ugly woman forever."

    The next day the second guy steps on a duck...Sure enough, St. Peter comes with another ugly woman and chains them together.

    Seeing this, the third guy is very, very careful. He goes for months and doesn't step on any ducks. One day, St. Peter comes along with this beautiful woman: Blonde, blue-eyed, very young and very sexy. He chains them together and leaves without a word.

    The man remarks, "I wonder what I did to deserve this good fortune?" And the Blonde says, "I don't know about you, but I stepped on a duck.


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  3. bak kata yuyu zulaikha

    "muka huduh tak semestinya hati pun huduh"

    ai suka u.

  4. hahahaa ...
    yg penting isi hati, bukan paras rupa, kan!

  5. Haha.. Terbaeekkk! ape yg penting,hati yang bersih! :)
