Samsung Galaxy Note 7 banyak masalah ?
Teruja dengar Samsung Galaxy Note 7 nak keluar 19hb Ogos ari tu ! Tapi bila aku gi tengok kat Samsung dealer.. krik krik ! Takda pon orang ramai beratur nak beli ??? Huhuhu….
Sekali dapat tahu ditunda ke bulan September ! Pulak dahhh ! Apa kes ??? Kononnya nak kasi keluar kat Singapura dulu baru Malaysia.. Kononnya laaaa ! Tu yang aku baca kat komen page Samsung Malaysia baru baru ni.. Takkan kot ? Ke ada isu lain ???
Tak kisah laa.. Dan mereka yang dah beli masa pre-order ari tu , dah pon dapat ! Waahhh !! Teruja gituuuu.. Aku pun teruja nak tau feedback dari mereka.. OK ke , KO ? Maklumlah , first batch ni.. mesti akan rasa baik dan buruk dulu.. Bila ada komen dan kritikan , baru fikir semula nak beli ke tak..
Tapi aku tahan niat dulu.. Aku nak tengok dulu komen di page Samsung Mobile Malaysia.. Huhuh. Dan ternyata ada banyak komen kutuk Not 7 termasuk yang baru je beli beberapa hari , baru baru ni !
- “ I got my Note 7 on the 18th August. The S-Pen stuck in the phone. Moreover, I experienced the phone have a bad reception. I need to restart everytime when I switch on the phone. Why didn't your QC check before Delivery to the customer. I need that phone to be change to another one... “
- “ My friend just bought and received a pre-ordered unit (silver)on Friday 19/8 and now (after 2 days, just 2 days)the phone is facing bunches of problems same as per mentioned in the above comments!! What is wrong with Samsung?Selling some problematic phones in pre-launch? Is this what we as the consumers deserved? I am using Samsung phones for years and seeing these now i totally lost confidence towards the brand. “
- “Please stop selling the defective yet expensive phone (Yes! is the latest Note 7) to us! We are very frustrated with the hardware issues right now!!
- “ Hi, I got my phone on PO. i would like to inquire as to why my phone on day 3, has stated to reboot or shut down by itself without any warning. I've tried factory reboot but so far the problem still persists. What should I do “
- or those whom already pre order this phone, please prepare yourself to get this error. This is just a 2 days old phone and confirm by service center it is recommended to exchange 1 by 1 due to hardware. The most funny thing is the brand manager from samsung mid valley they have aware on this but still push the stock to market. well done samsung malaysia. This is the way you treat your custimer. “ .
Boleh baca sendiri la kat page Samsung Mobile Malaysia. Yang bagusnya setiap komen dibalas . Dan yang pastinya , wife aku senyum riang !
Tunggu lama skt , baru beli !
Alhamdulillah setakat ini masih setia dgn jenama samsung...puashati dan berbaloi
BalasPadamSaya masih guna samsung juga. Jenama S4 je. Dah 4 tahun pakai. masih okey.
BalasPadamtak pernah pakai samsung. tapi selalu teruja tengok phone samsung sebab fancy, kalau nak compare dengan iPhone kan? Mana tahu yang Malaysia punya elok with no defect.